Battle of jericho book sparknotes

The captain of the lord s host explained to joshua how the next few days would play out. Be careful to obey all the law my servant moses gave you. As jericho becomes increasingly uneasy, his cousin joshua breezes through the initiation, never thinking of the consequences, even when the fine line between fun and games, and life and death is crossed. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land i swore to their forefathers to give them. Book trailer for the battle of jericho by sharon draper. The central idea of the book is when you know when the line of good and bad are crossed.

The battle of jericho protagonist, antagonist flashbacks flat character protagonists are. Approaching jericho, joshua encounters a mysterious man who explains that he is the commander of gods army but that he is neither for nor against israel. In the battle of jericho, sharon draper explores extracurricular. It was a walled city and no one could enter or leave, so the walls had to come down in order for the city to be conquered. January 28 the pledge masters marched the fifteen pledges to the middle of the soggy yard. Joshua and the battle of jericho bible lesson in this lesson children learn that god is all powerful and that he keeps his promises. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of bible. The challenge for the central character, jericho, is. Forty years before the story of the battle of jericho, moses was the leader of israel. The battle of jericho study guide the following questions could be used for small group discussions, whole class discussions, or short answer written questions. Immediately download the battle of jericho summary, chapterbychapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more everything you need for studying or teaching battle of jericho. Jericho prescott is a junior at fredrick douglass high school.

The story of joshua and the battle of jericho essay bartleby. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Making spiritual and physical application from the battle of jericho. See, i have delivered jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. Students read the first one in the series and beg to read the 2nd and 3rd books. Joshua and the battle of jericho by jill kemp illustrated by richard gunther 1 joshua and the battle of jericho by jill kemp illustrated by richard gunther 1. It is something which is summarized for us in joshua 6. Battle of jericho is also a coretta scott king award winning book. He plays the trumpet, and he is one of the best musicians in the school. The battle of jericho is an incident from the book of joshua, being the first battle fought by the israelites in the course of the conquest of canaan.

The battle of jericho begins with a chapter near the end of the book as an introduction. The battle of jericho starts the jericho trilogy, another series of three must read books for the reluctant reader. The battle of jericho summary supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Israel could then engage the armies of the south in battle followed by the more remote enemy in the north. When cousins josh and jericho and their friend kofi are asked to participate in the christmas toy drive, they know they are being considered as members. Sharp needles of rain stung them as they stood there silently waiting for instructions. What is overlooked in sunday school is the passage after the walls fall down, they devoted the city to the lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it men and women, young and. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the battle of jericho. Should jericho go to the pledge night activities, or go to the tryouts for college. Part of the childrens bible classics series, this illustrated childrens book tells the story of joshua, the biblical hero who led his people through the fallen. The second book in the jericho trilogy, it focuses on africanamerican students at frederick douglass high school. Scouts from the israelites crept into the walled city of jericho and hid at the house of rahab, noted as a prostitute. Everyone who has ever attended sunday school has heard this famous biblical account.

Jericho is easily talked into doing things, and that is how he got talked into joining the warriors of distinction with his cousin josh prescott. The novels events unfold in the aftermath of josh prescotts death from a fall from a secondstory window during a pledge stunt. Hazing can be seen through the pledge masters giving the pledges such a hard time. They have been asked to pledge the most exclusive club at their school the warriors of distinction. As the dynamic duo of moses and aaron have passed, so too has the next generation tag team of joshua and eleazar 33. Exposition the exposition of the event is when the two run into mad madison in the mall. The battle of jericho kindle edition by marks, walter.

Following divine instructions, joshua leads the israelites in carrying the ark around jericho for six days. Who is happy when he and his cousin josh get invited to be pledges for the warrior of. The battle of jericho quotes showing 11 of 1 one series of notes, high and delicate, sang of a sweet moonlight kiss gone sour. The story of joshua and the battle of jericho is a famous one. Draper about the book jericho prescott and his cousin, joshua, cant believe their good luck. The battle of jericho featured one of the most astounding miracles in the bible, proving that god stood with the israelites. Joshua was wondering how god would help him capture the great walled city of jericho.

The battle of jericho will be stuck to your heart like a tattoo. The battle of jericho is about the power of peer pressure, and making decisions which might affect the rest of ones life. These were two of the original twelve spies who had gone into the promised land and tried to convince the people they should trust god to give them victory. Hazing comes early in the book where it tells the reader a foreshadow to what will happen later in the book. The really amazing thing about the battle of jericho is that there was no battle. The book is set in high school and deals with the issues of peer pressure, acceptance, discrimination, sexual tension, and social interaction.

How does this method of telling the story affect the readers response. Characters in the battle of jericho run the gamut from kind and wellintentioned to deliberately cruel and dangerous. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of the battle of jericho by sharon m. The story of the battle of jericho is the tale of one of the first great battles of israels conquest of canaan. They set about to conquer the land of canaan, under the lords guidance. When we turn to the pages of the new testament and ask. Depending on the study guide provider sparknotes, shmoop, etc. After the death of moses, god chose joshua, son of nun, to be the leader of the israelite people.

The bible story of the battle of jericho is found in the book of joshua, chapter six. The battle of jericho summary and analysis free book notes. Draper has succeeded in making him feel as though he is my brother. All the adults from the former visit to the jordan river had died off except two men. The ground was muddy and squished as they walked, and the frigid air whipped across the pledges wet tshirts. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The book i read was the battle of jericho by sharon m. Though an odd way to end the book, this death is a symbolic close to the story of moses and aaron. But first, jericho must falland it would if joshua and the people followed the lords plan of action. November blues is a 2007 young adult novel by american writer sharon m. How does this text structure affect the readers response. Buy a cheap copy of joshua and the battle of jericho. Joshua was to send the soldiers of israel marching around jericho one time a day for the next six days. Jericho was a large and important city in the jordan river valley just west of the river.

The priests were to go behind the soldiers blowing seven trumpets of rams horns before the ark. This isnt relevant to jericho, because of the time problem granted that jericho was destroyed 1560 bc the latest c14 dating, accepted by all experts see provan, and not reoccupied until well into the israelite iron age, you then have to move joshua and the conquest to that date if you want the battle story in the book of joshua to be true. The most important conflict in the battle of jericho is the internal conflict jericho faces over whether or not to join the club, and then whether or not to stay in it. Analysis the biblical book of joshua starts at a new historical beginning as the hebrews are no longer enslaved and have returned to israel to claim their promised land. The battle of jericho is about a sixteen year old boy named jericho. What predictions can the reader make about jericho and the situation he seems to have gotten himself into. Draper proves once again that she knows just how real kids think, act, and feel in this haunting story of peer pressure. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. The book of joshua ends with the death of eleazar the priest and son of aaron. Hazing is the act to subject newcomers to abusive criticism. He tells them they have to still two ornaments each from a christmas tree in a store to show their loyalty. The ten chapters describing the allotment of tribal lands also undercut. The warriors of distinction are douglas highs elite group, a brotherhood separate from school, a service club with a secret initiation resulting in a slick jacket that is the ultimate status symbol for the guys. Dana wolfe jericho prescott protagonist flash backs are.